Welcome to our digital client record update form! Our digital form is designed to help you easily provide us with the information we need to process your request in line with our recent communication with regards to “Coresuite”, our new core system. Within this communication, we have also provided the required authentication code to access the digital form in relation to that particular policy.
Our form is user-friendly and intuitive, with clear instructions to guide you through each step of the process. Please note that the form will not allow you to proceed to the next page unless you complete all mandatory fields which are marked with an (*)
Before you proceed to the next step, please ensure to have a copy of your ID card saved on your mobile/desktop (one from the front, and one from the back) as it is mandatory to provide it. You will be asked to upload in the last step of the process.
Thank you for choosing to submit your information via our Digital client update form. We remain grateful for the trust and confidence that you've placed in us, and we look forward to receiving your completed digital form.
Your sincerely
Details inputted are correct and may proceed to filling form by selecting the Next button shown below
Details inputted are incorrect - Please review and if still unsuccessful please contact us on 25909000 and choose option number 3
Please input your post code in the following format (using large caps) for standard auto address generation: @@@ #### (E.g MLH 2500)
Should you require to retreive your postcode, please use this link: Maltapost Postcode Finder
If address is foreign please input N/A
Help us contribute towards a more sustainable environment by switching your preferred method of communication to electronic. All your existing policies will be updated
We are obliged under Maltese Legislation 123.127 entitled “cooperation with other jurisdiction on tax matters” to collect certain information about your tax arrangements and if your citizenship or your tax residence is not Maltese, we may be legally obliged to pass on your details and other financial information with respect to your policies held with us to the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue and they may exchange this information with tax authorities of another jurisdiction(s) pursuant to intergovernmental agreements to exchange financial information. A tax residence is a country where you are legally obliged to pay taxes and this is normally the country where you live on a permanent or indefinite basis however special circumstances may cause you to be tax resident elsewhere or tax resident in more than one country. Please state all countries where you are currently considered tax resident and provide your 'Tax Identification Number’, if available.
If your tax residence is Malta and you are a Maltese national, your 'Tax Identification Number' is your identity card number. If you are not a Maltese national but a Maltese tax resident you would have been issued with a unique taxpayer reference number, made up of 9 digits, generated by the Commissioner for Inland Revenue.
For more information on FATCA and CRS you can access the following links:
Reason A - The country where I am resident does not issue TINs to its residentsReason B - I am unable to obtain a TINReason C - No TIN is required (NB. Only select this reason if the domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction does not require the collection of the TIN issued by such jurisdiction)
Reason A - The country where I am resident does not issue TINs to its residents.Reason B - I am unable to obtain a TINReason C - No TIN is required (NB. Only select this reason if the domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction does not require the collection of the TIN issued by such jurisdiction)
Since you are opting to choose the direct debit payment option, kindly note that the preferred communication method needs to be changed to electronic. Kindly press the 'back' button twice and amend accordingly
Important information in relation to the direct debit payment method:
If SEPA Direct Debit is selected, your preferred method of communication will be changed to Electronic. The change to electronic communication will apply for all your existing policies, whilst the change to direct debit will apply to the policy number indicated above. Please complete all required details as failure to do so will result in processing delays.
In the event of choosing to switch to direct debit, please ensure that there are no active standing orders with your bank on the same policy, in order to avoid affecting double payments. If you have your standing order on the same policy referred to in this form with Bank of Valletta, you can tick the box located below next to the ‘Instructions to Bank of Valletta to cancel standing order’, and in this manner we will forward these instruction to the bank to cancel its standing order.
I hereby authorise MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. to effect the following alterations to the regular premium plan(s) selected hereunder:
By selecting SEPA Direct Debit as a payment method, I hereby authorise MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c (creditor ID MT85ZZZ014881327) to send instructions to my bank to debit my account for the payment of the premium due on the Policy referred to within this application form (as indicated within Policy Schedule and by any subsequent Endorsement) and my bank to debit my account in accordance with the instructions from MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. I have understood and confirm that:
IBAN has not been filled in
I hereby acknowledge that the information given in this form shall form part of my application form and/or policy and I acknowledge that all information herein provided is subject to the same conditions as shown on the application form and policy documents. I acknowledge that the information contained in this form and information regarding me and any Reportable Account(s) may be provided to the Inland Revenue and exchanged with tax authorities of other countries/jurisdiction(s) in which I may be tax resident pursuant to intergovernmental agreements to exchange financial account Information. I bind myself to inform MAPFRE MSV throughout the term of the policy, should there be any change to any of the information provided in this form.
To complete your request, we kindly ask that you upload a clear and legible copy of your ID card from the front and back, in the below upload section:
Get a chance to win a gift!
Get the chance to win a €100 voucher from Virtu Ferries! In order to participate, we kindly ask you to answer the question below. The submission of the form must also be done by the end of April 2025:
We thank you for your participation!
Please read the direct debit warning message on the previous page and amend accordingly